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ServSafe Brands

The ServSafe family of brands is positioned as the leading provider of development, education, training, and benefits for career professionals in the restaurant industry and beyond. No matter your industry goals, ServSafe Brands will help you get there.

Image of four kitchen workers looking at the camera and smiling

College & University Course Materials

AHLEI offers comprehensive academic resources, including textbooks, programs, certificates, and customized materials, to post-secondary institutions worldwide. Students prepare for modern hospitality careers, gaining real-life competencies and a competitive edge in the industry.
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Multiracial group of happy students sitting and talking on a collage campus quad

Hospitality Training & Certification

The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute is a global leader in hospitality education, training and certification, providing a range of resources including online learning, professional certification and educational materials for the hospitality industry.  
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Image of hotel bellhop pushing luggage through a front door

Welcome to ServSafe Brands

The ServSafe family of brands is positioned as the leading provider of development, education, training, and benefits for career professionals in the restaurant industry and beyond. No matter your industry goals, ServSafe Brands will help you get there.

  • Provide safe, enjoyable experiences with the nation’s most trusted food safety and responsible alcohol training and certification. From food handling and allergen awareness to operations management and understanding unconscious bias, ServSafe is the ultimate restaurant safety resource.

  • The global hospitality industry turns to the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) for best-in-class training and education for all segments of hospitality. AHLEI elevates hospitality careers with industry-developed resources and certifications for every position.

  • What if there was career development training that supported restaurant and hospitality workers from day one? With ServSuccess, there is. ServSuccess allows restaurant professionals to carve out lasting career paths with online courses, skill and role-specific learning suites, and industry-recognized certifications.

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  • Isn’t it time restaurant professionals had access to the tools they need to thrive outside of work? ServSafe Benefits subscriptions provide wellness benefits, deep discounts, career growth resources, and everything else that matters.

  • Experience world-class foodservice training and certification in a variety of languages. The ServSafe International program is based on global food safety standards and enables foodservice professionals to deliver top-quality dining experiences – regardless of location.

    Learn More

This is the second accordion but I'll make it the first!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sodales, lectus quis dapibus tempus, metus ante viverra dolor, sed feugiat justo sapien quis ex. Quisque ornare auctor luctus. Etiam quam neque, bibendum at purus sit amet, maximus efficitur lectus. Donec placerat, felis quis ultrices laoreet, lectus felis rutrum ligula, id elementum nisi massa a est. Sed ligula ligula, laoreet et diam quis, ultrices porttitor nibh. Duis fringilla quis sapien in sagittis. Donec tempor egestas erat, sed posuere massa blandit vel. Proin mollis condimentum risus nec pellentesque. Nunc ante nisl, eleifend ut laoreet in, fringilla volutpat eros. Duis lorem lectus, dapibus vel iaculis eget, porta sit amet nibh.

Integer dapibus consequat orci, vel eleifend turpis laoreet non. Donec imperdiet, turpis eget vestibulum luctus, ex ipsum hendrerit erat, in tristique erat augue non dolor. Integer non lacus et tellus aliquet blandit. Donec venenatis risus eget venenatis imperdiet. Vestibulum id ultricies tortor. Aliquam ante nisi, pretium non quam a, rhoncus consequat eros. Nulla laoreet nisi sit amet enim fermentum facilisis. Integer ultrices dolor vel mi sagittis egestas. Suspendisse interdum, erat eu imperdiet blandit, arcu arcu tristique est, ac eleifend arcu lorem a neque. Donec nisi libero, tincidunt tristique nisl sit amet, accumsan accumsan lacus. Mauris nec mauris vitae libero dapibus feugiat eu in massa. Phasellus sed viverra felis, at euismod nulla. Aliquam neque velit, mollis vitae convallis sit amet, tincidunt ut sapien. Vivamus turpis sem, gravida eu orci sed, elementum aliquet dolor.

Here is a test of the first accordion but i'll make it second

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Meet Our Team

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Welcome to ServSafe Brands

The ServSafe family of brands is positioned as the leading provider of development, education, training, and benefits for career professionals in the restaurant industry and beyond. No matter your industry goals, ServSafe Brands will help you get there.

ServSafe Logo

Prioritize food and alcohol safety.

Provide safe, enjoyable experiences with the nation’s most trusted food safety and responsible alcohol training and certification. From food handling and allergen awareness to operations management and understanding unconscious bias, ServSafe is the ultimate restaurant safety resource.  



Train for every hospitality role.

The global hospitality industry turns to the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) for best-in-class training and education for all segments of hospitality. AHLEI elevates hospitality careers with industry-developed resources and certifications for every position.


ServSuccess Logo

Validate skills and advance career pathways.

What if there was career development training that supported restaurant and hospitality workers from day one? With ServSuccess, there is. ServSuccess allows restaurant professionals to carve out lasting career paths with online courses, skill and role-specific learning suites, and industry-recognized certifications.

Get Started

ServSafe Benefits Logo

Access the benefits that matter.

Isn’t it time restaurant professionals had access to the tools they need to thrive outside of work? ServSafe Benefits subscriptions provide wellness benefits, deep discounts, career growth resources, and everything else that matters.


ServSafe International Logo

Cover global food safety ground.

Experience world-class foodservice training and certification in a variety of languages. The ServSafe International program is based on global food safety standards and enables foodservice professionals to deliver top-quality dining experiences – regardless of location.

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  • 1

    Find the products you need

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • 2

    Get employees to take the test.

    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • 3

    Get employee certification!

    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.